11131111201111111011 DELETE SCRIPT: click on this button to delete a backup script that you have selected. Please note that deleting scripts will not effect any backups that you have made and will not prevent you from doing restores. This program is equiped with Cursor-Guide™. As the mouse pointer is placed on an object on the screen, information about that object will appear here automatically. SoftBackup II is copyright © 1987-1992 by D-K Research, Inc. All rights reserved. This is version C4.22. This Demo Version is limited to 5 MB per tape or disk (400K per floppy). MEDIA OPTIONS: click on this button to change the kind of backup media to use, change the backup drive to use, and set other options. SoftBackup uses the same settings as the last time you backed up unless you change them. CREATE SCRIPT: click on this button to build a new file by file backup script. It is usually better to edit an existing script than to build a new one. Scripts are used for backup only. They are not needed for restore. EDIT SCRIPT: click on this button to edit a backup script that you have selected above. Changing a script will not in any way effect backups that you have already done. Script changes effect future backups only. FILE BY FILE: select this button to do file by file backups of volumes, folders, and/or files as selected in a backup script that you create. A form of verification is done to insure all of the files get backed up. IMAGE: select this button to do block by block image backups of disks. You will not be able to select network volumes, the backup disk, or the startup disk for image backup. This is the backup window. On this window you can set up backups to be done now or later. After selecting a script or volume for backup, you can perform a backup now or set up for the backup program to launch itself and perform a backup at a specified date and time. Decide what to back up by selecting a script (file by file backup) or a disk volume (image backup). You will not be able to select network volumes, the backup disk, or the startup disk for image backup. You may scroll up and down to find the item you wish to back up. LATER: click on this button to do a delayed backup of the item selected. This option is not allowed for floppy backup. Select a volume (image) or script (file by file) to back up. You will not be able to select network volumes, the backup disk, or the startup disk for image backup. There are no scripts until you create some. NOW: click on this button to do an immediate backup of the item selected. HELP: click on this button to get more information about this window. DONE: click on this button to close this window.